Now that the eRewards Catalog and Gift Card Distribution components of your Corporate Health and Wellness Program are firmly in place with eGifter Rewards (via Portal or API), your employee engagement trajectory is set. Now you’re ready to build out your wellness program design including goal setting, behavior tracking, gift card rewards and spending levels. It’s a good thing your program is in motion. There is no shortage of goals to set or events to organize for employee health and wellness rewards.

Health and Wellness Rewards

Kudos to you, as you are embarking down a path that could have a monumental, dramatically positive impact on your workforce — and your company. Remember, people are hungry for a step-by-step approach on how to improve their lives.  It’s one thing to know intellectually that being healthy is important. It’s an entirely different thing to know exactly what to do, and when.

Employee Wellness Benefits Everyone

Giving employees actionable tools so they can practice healthy habits — and then distributing rewards for their achievements has so many benefits, on so many levels.

  • Employee loyalty to the company — the staff feels great and low turnover benefits the bottom line
  • Controlling healthcare costs — real cost savings for both the company and the emplyee
  • Positioning your company for healthy growth — with a more powerful and vibrant workforce
  • Being a good corporate citizen — engenders pride in both executives and employees

Distribute eRewards

Regardless of the milestones, activity tracking methods or point acquisition system you use to award gift cards, the wellness improvements that can be realized by motivating healthier behaviors by your employees are real.  

The healthy behaviors you encourage through your Corporate Health and Wellness program can result in physical, mental and emotional health benefits like the ones below. While the business upside is exponential, what’s more important is the happiness, health and longevity of the valued people who make your business hum.

Healthy Behaviors Improve Lives


  • Clearer and calmer thinking
  • Sharper memory
  • Improved concentration and mental stamina


  • Reduce the risks associated with obesity and poor nutrition
  • Eliminating cigarette smoking reduces incidence of cancer and heart & lung diseases
  • Sufficient sleep promotes productivity and motivation


  • Expanded sense of generosity, enhancing teamwork and customer relations
  • Balanced priorities improves performance in all areas of life
