American Express®
and Mastercard®
Reward with the most requested prepaid cards.
Prepaid cards from Visa and American Express offer recipients an easy and secure way to shop online, pay bills, dine out, buy gas and more.
Go Mobile! The Visa® Reward Virtual Account and American Express Virtual Reward Card can be used to pay with digital wallets: Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay and Fitbit Pay.
From Coast To Coast! Use them anywhere Visa debit or American Express is accepted in the United States. Perfect for employees and customers.
The Visa® Reward Virtual Account is ideal for:

Buy Visa® Reward Virtual Account Cards in Bulk
Send Visa® Reward Virtual Accounts or American Express Reward Cards in bulk to 10 people or 1 million. Use our Gift Card API™ or web-based platform. The true gift? An easy and secure way to let them pay bills, dine out, buy gas, shop online and enjoy life.

*Outside of the U.S., acceptance rates vary by country and merchant.