Send gift cards today with no fees.

Choose from hundreds of digital gift cards, VISA® and American Express®

Reward brands with no fees

Included with no fees

Order digital rewards today, with these included options and more.

Gift Cards

Walmart Gift Cards in bulk

Over 1,000 popular digital gift cards available globally.

Reward Cards

Visa Reward Cards in bulk

Visa®, Mastercard®, & American Express® for use online or in stores.

Choice Cards

eGifter Rewards Choice Cards in bulk

Recipients choose their favorite gift cards. Learn more.

But wait…there’s more!

All the bells and whistles
  • Unlimited custom email templates with your logo and messaging
  • Real-time claim status on all digital gift cards
  • 24/7 Customer Support in any language
  • Multi-Factor Authentication to protect your account
  • Advanced Reporting including Payroll Reporting
  • eGifter Gift Card API™ connection

When do we charge a fee?

For most customers, there are only three reasons we charge a fee:

When using a credit card to fund your account or pay for an order. (Pay by ACH for with no transaction fees.)

When ordering physical gift cards — low shipping/handling fees.

Convert USD to a foreign currency.

Custom Solutions

eGifter Rewards provides custom gift card solutions for enterprise organizations. Whether you are launching a new app or you are upgrading your corporate rewards program, wellness initiative, or using gift cards for survey incentives, our experts will tailor a solution to meet your requirements and budget. Contact us today to get started.

Custom Solutions