Gift card incentives for surveys are a proven strategy. Organizations like the National LGBT Cancer Network rely on eGifter to execute successfully. The COVID-19 pandemic was eye-opening for many. It surfaced irrefutable evidence about social injustice and health inequity. As an organization founded to address LGBTQ+ health inequity, The National LGBT Cancer Network knew their communities were vulnerable and would be among those hardest hit. The organization used Visa® eReward Cards in their surveys for rewards in exchange for sharing experiences and stories. Turns out, a free visa rewards card is another example that proves survey incentives work. Wisely, they buy visa gift cards in bulk.

Clearly, Survey Incentives Work

The free, interactive survey posted by to people in sexual and gender minorities is getting them sharing. That’s because when a Visa® rewards card is used to motivate survey participation, people respond. However, this particular survey transcends marketing. This market research initiative is about people and their humanity.

“Nothing moves our community more than hearing from peers,” Aurea Kasberg, Project Specialist, said of the campaign. “Recipients in general were eager to receive compensation, especially when we consider that many LGBTQ+ due to barriers to access, are more likely to be gig workers and frontline workers.”
The Network sent survey participants Visa gift cards option, as they wanted participants to have flexibility in their spending. As demonstrated everywhere, the flexibility of the Visa® reward card hits the spot.

“The greatest benefit of using eGifter’s services has been its convenience as a swift, reliable and contactless way to engage with our community,” Aurea added.

More recently, the Network has continued to collect more stories—now about smoking and vaping. Commercial tobacco use in LGBTQ+ communities is a social justice issue. Smoking and e-cigarettes hurt LGBTQ+ communities’ physical, financial, mental health, and so much more. The stories will be used to create free educational materials for LGBTQ+ organizations in their own programming.

Thanks to the fact that survey incentives work, the medical community is able to improve cancer care by leveraging data from the survey responses.

About The National LGBT Cancer Network:
The National LGBT Cancer Network mission is three-fold: Advocacy, Education and Training. We advocate for sex and gender minorities to be included and considered in research. In addition, we advocate for our community members to receive affirming care. We educate our LGBTQ+ communities about our increased risks of cancer, the importance of early detection and screening. We train health and human service providers on how to create welcoming and affirming spaces for LGBTQ+ people to seek care. To learn more, donate or become a member, visit